Cycles of Friendship

My name is Jordan Thibodeau. I’m the community manager for Silicon Valley Investors Club, which is a global community of STEM professionals dedicated to making smarter investment and career decisions. You can find our website at I’ve created courses such as Mastering your conversations, Building a network for success, How to work from home: From surviving to thriving, Bouncing back from failure, How to accomplish your goals and Managing your manager. I’ve partnered with my good friend Joe Ternasky to create this course. Joe has managed many large teams of employees at leading Fortune 500 companies. Together, we will introduce you to simple, helpful, and sometimes out-of-the-box principles about the cycles of friendship. These principles will help you understand your role in finding, developing, and continuing (or letting go of) friendships in order to build a strong social circle and a more fulfilling life. This class is about the cyclical nature of friendship. Specifically, we will be talking about three friendship phases: finding friends, deepening friendships, and letting go. We’ll also talk about three basic levels of friendship: acquaintanceship, casual friendship, and close friendship. A major emphasis in this course is how you yourself operate in friendships. Keep in mind that your proactive and thoughtful behavior is the driving force behind your success not only socially, but also in cultivating lasting and meaningful friendships.

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